Burke Lutheran Church Facebook Group

Burke Lutheran Church

Burke Lutheran Church YouTube Channel
  • The invitation to Holy Communion comes from Jesus Christ. Holy Communion at Burke Lutheran is open to all who desire it.
  • You need not be a member of this congregation, nor a Lutheran, to participate in the meal.
  • As an alternative to wine, we serve grape juice in the center ring of the tray.
  • We also have Gluten Free communion wafers for people who have allergies to the wheat Communion bread.

In Person Worship Service

Sundays at 9:00am

All are welcome in worship and around Christ's table for Communion.

Children's Sunday School

Children attend Sunday School during worship at 9:00am.

Rally Sunday is on September 10, at the  10:00am service.  There will be indoor and outdoor activities.   Please join us to kick off a new year!!



Sunday School

Holy Communion

 Nursery Care

A special place for
your special little one/s

while you enjoy worship.

Worship Leaders
Worship leaders lead the congregation in song, usually as a two-person team.

Adult Choir
Our adult choir is an important part of worship. We usually sing one to three times per month during the school year.

Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings, immediately after the worship service. No musical experience necessary!

Children’s Choir
Children learn fun and meaningful songs during Sunday School and perform during the service on the third Sunday of each month.

Interested, or just want to know more?
Contact the church office via email at burkelutheran@att.net or via phone at 608-244-8486.