Burke Lutheran Church
Weekly Bible Study - is held every Wednesday at 1:00pm. Everyone is welcome and can join in at anytime.
Men of all ages are invited for fellowship and discussion on the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month from 6:30-8:00pm.
Topics are based on the upcoming Sunday's Bible readings. We meet outside by the fire as weather permits. Otherwise meetings are held indoors.
Contact the church office, 608-244-8486, for more info. The group is currently not meeting.
Rally Sunday is Sunday, September 8 at 10:00am . Fellowship with bouncy house, face painting, family picnic and live music begins at 11:00am.
Circles are groups with about twelve women who meet on a regular basis. Should the group become too large a new circle is formed.
Dorcas Circle - Meets each month in the homes of its members for breakfast, fellowship, and a Bible study based from the Gather magazine.
Congrats to Nathan (pictured above w/family)
Sundays after worship at 10:15am
Confirmation classes are for youth in grades 7 and 8. Confirmation is a two year course. One year is spent learning the Small Catechism and studying the Old Testament, and one year is spent on the New Testament and the Church's history.
Sunday School is available for ages 4 through 6th grade. Children attend Sunday School during the 9:00am worship service.
Burke Lutheran Church Women is comprised of all women in the church who are confirmed and beyond High School age. Membership meetings are held monthly. The group coordinates the Chili Cook Off/Bingo, Salad Luncheon & Style Show, Garage Sale, Craft & Bake Sale, and Advent by Candlelight. The group also works with families to organize meals at funerals.