Burke Lutheran Church
Burke Lutheran Church has been in existence for over 150 years.
Below is a timeline of special milestones:
August 1851 First Service
A Norwegian communion Worship at Sun Prairie Lutheran Church of Burke
1874-1905 Dual parish with Bethel Lutheran in Madison
1899 Present Church building is dedicated
1906-1953 Dual parish with Norway Grove of DeForest
1925 Services conducted equally, half in Norwegian, half English
1937-1938 Beautiful stained glass windows installed
1953 Parsonage was built
1964 Parish Hall was added to church building
1969 West Entry Narthex was added
1974 Church interior refurbished
1979 Purchased the "Moses Property", 31 acres of land, east & south of church
1988 Became part of Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)
2020 Built new offices/fellowship hall; moved sanctuary
2021 Services held in new sanctuary
It is our vision, as Burke Lutheran Church, to share the Word of God with all whom we encounter. Each person is given God's renewing grace and is granted the ability to share this good news through our daily lives, All are welcome with compassion and love.
We are an ELCA congregation dedicated to and excited about spreading the good word of Christ! We have found that our mission can best be explained in three ways: Preach, Teach, and Reach.
Each Sunday we gather as a community for worship. We do a blend of traditional and contemporary styles, recognizing that spirituality is unique for each person. Together we praise God through music, readings, prayer, and Holy Communion. All are welcome to the table.
Our teaching begins in our Sunday School rooms with our hands-on and engaging curriculum. Each Sunday there is a children's message at worship to help bring God's word to our little ones in a dynamic way. Our Confirmation program for 7th and 8th graders is also a unique experience for our youth to grow as a community and learn about faith and service in Christ. Our teaching doesn't only serve our youth, but rather recognizes that we can all grow in our understanding of faith. We offer adult Bible studies, men's and women's groups and mission service learning as opportunities arise.
Burke is not just about these four walls, but rather yearns to reach out into our neighboring community in service. We work alongside The River Food Pantry. Our quilters create over 200 quilts annually which are donated to a variety of organizations, including Lutheran World Relief. We are passionate about living out our faiths in service, and these are just a few ways we do so.
If all of this sounds like a place you want to be, then please, come and join us. We have a place waiting for you. Grow in Christ with us!